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Chiropractic Care

Family at beachWhen your spine is in balance, your body will have the best chance at great health. Let me explain: chiropractic care seeks to restore balance and symmetry to your spine through safe, gentle adjustments to the vertebrae of your spine. When balance and symmetry are restored, nerve interference disappears from the system; enabling messages from your brain to travel to all parts of your body as they naturally should.

At Preferred Chiropractic, Dr. Steve likes to ask patients, “Would you rather travel on Interstate I-95 at 3 a.m. or 5 p.m.?” Of course, you’ll get where you’re going much faster at 3 a.m. because there’s no congestion on the interstate. Your nervous system works the same way—when we remove mis-alignments through chiropractic adjustments, messages reach their intended destination quicker and more effectively.


Our Approach

Before performing your adjustment, Dr. Steve will spend time addressing the muscular system, helping it by removing lactic acid, scar tissue adhesions and inflammation with state of the art machinery. Sure, it may take a few minutes longer, however, prepping your body in this way doesn’t just feel great, it also makes the adjustment easier and more comfortable. Also, those machines usually help our corrections to last longer…..ultimately saving you time and money.

After twenty-nine years in practice, Dr. Steve has the experience and expertise to tailor care specifically to your needs and personal goals. He is committed to using the lowest force possible to achieve your objective. Dr. Steve has instruments that can make corrections from head to toe….”without” creating that cracking sound that some fear. He will combine different adjusting techniques to get the best results for each and every patient.

Some of the most common techniques used at Preferred chiropractic Center are:

  • Diversified Method
  • Arthro-Stimulator®
  • Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)….for disc patients
  • Thompson Drop Table and more
We also incorporate the latest in cutting-edge technologies such as: percussion massage, anti-scar tissue instrument, cold laser, micro-current, ultrasound & electric stimulation….. to name a few. These tools and spinal correction techniques allow us to address all aspects of your injury or condition.

SOT Blocking

Many of our patients question what they can do for lower back “disc” injuries. Dr. Steve offers his patients low-force SOT blocking for these type of injuries. This technique is very safe and offers no force or cracking. It’s very simple really; comfortable wedges are inserted under the patient’s waist, while he/she lies in the prone AKA face down position. This position combined with the wedges creates openings in both the facets of the spine and the lower back disc spacing. This technique (III) basically creates spinal traction by using the patient’s own weight to do so. Very comfortable technique for the patients; it removes the patient’s pain as soon as both wedges are inserted! Ultimately, this low force traction will relax the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules in the painful area. As things begin to relax, the disc begins to migrate back to where it normally belongs. Each treatment is 20 minutes long.

hip adjustment
discs issues

Book Today

Discover how chiropractic Care may benefit you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at Preferred chiropractic Center! We’ve got your back!!!


Chiropractic Care | (561) 480-0678