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Palm Beach Gardens Auto Injuries

Don?t be misled by the minimal damage to your car. People react much differently than glass, plastic and metal!

Don?t be misled by the minimal damage to your car. People react much differently than glass, plastic and metal!

Auto accidents tend to cause a host of physical problems to the human body. The reasons for this can generally be traced back to physics. There is such a tremendous weight differential between a human being and a motor vehicle. Because of this weight differential, the human body actually accelerates at a higher rate of speed inside the vehicle upon impact than the actual MPH the automobile is traveling. Hence, the person inside the car often times sustains physical damages to their body. The seatbelt stops part of the driver/passenger’s upper torso from striking the car’s dashboard or windshield, but the head is free and so it continues to move without restriction. Often times, this abrupt reaction will change an individual’s spinal biomechanics. And, usually these accidents tend to affect one’s entire spine. An extremely important fact to remember is….you won’t always be warned by symptoms of pain immediately after your car accident. These warnings may take hours, days, months or even years to occur. Yes, I said years!

Listed below are a few of the more typical injuries sustained in an auto accident:
  1. Ligament and Capsule strains, sprains and tears
  2. Muscular spasm/tension
  3. Inflammation build-up
  4. Scar tissue formation
  5. Mis-alignment of the vertebral bones
  6. Unwanted pressure on our spinal nerves
If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, your body may have suffered undetected physical damage. Listed below are a few of the signs to look for after a car crash:
  1. Headaches
  2. Fatigue/tiredness
  3. Problems sleeping soundly
  4. Tight muscles
  5. Anxiousness
  6. Forgetfulness
  7. New ailments without cause or provocation

To avoid these and other problems, it’s a smart idea to receive a chiropractic examination and x-rays… if needed within a very short period of time following your auto accident. Dr. Steve has found over his nearly 3 decades in practice that acting quickly will save you both time and money in the long run. REMEMBER, a problem left untreated for an extended period of time is generally harder to correct and more time consuming for both the patient and the doctor in the long run.

We’re OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK… so, no excuses… Give our Palm Beach Gardens office a call today and make an appointment at (561) 480-0678

Proudly serving Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, Lake Park, North Palm Beach